Tag Archives: time exposure

My Variable Interval Timer for long exposure photography

I have been working on my custom made variable interval timer for long exposure photography and now have all the initially planned functions working and have added a couple features. I consider it a fully funtional proof of concept/prototype.  I have searched and have not found anything like it except for hardware that depends on your cell phone to provide the interface and computing power, mine is completely stand alone.

The current feature list:

  • shutter speeds from 1 second to 4 hours in the standard single EV progression
  • timer to support the camera’s built in long exposure(dark frame) noise reduction (currently Pentax only)
  • trigger focus of the camera
  • field adjustable settings
    • starting exposure
    • number of exposures
    • enable/disable dark frame noise reduction
    • save 1 set of settings
    • recall saved settings
    • use current settings without saving
  • Known to work with Pentax(tested)
  • Should work with Canon(untested)
  • basic help screen

Potential future features(subject to change):

    • long exposure noise reduction support for Canon cameras
    • support for other cameras that have a wired remote connector
    • ability to save more than one set of settings

    To be able to confirm support for Canon cameras, I need access to one that has the 3/16″ remote connection to test with and determine how long the long exposure noise reduction exposures are, the save to card speed of the camera with a slow memory card, etc.

    If someone is interested and has the technical skills to make one themselves, they should contact me.

    More night photography

    I did some more time exposure photography while helping my wife with her final project for her film photography class.  I was along to keep her company and to be an assistant.

    This image was taken from a scenic overlook southeast of Reno looking across Reno using my Pentax K-5.  I have some other night images of Reno that I will post in a few days now that I have some time since the semester is over.

    Shot at ISO 80, F16, 302 sec.